A campaign by the Brazilian Sleep Association advocates moving the start of classes for teenagers to 8:30 am, starting in 2020

In line with the American Academy of Sleep Medicine and the American Association of Pediatrics, the Brazilian Sleep Association launched the “8:30 am in 2020” Campaign, proposing to change the entry of high school students to 8:30 am.

What changes in adolescence in relation to sleep?

“Poor school performance, chronic fatigue, low immunity, anxiety and depression are all associated with a lack of adequate sleep. We believe that, given the changes that will occur in school curricula, schools will move towards the adoption of flexible hours, which accompany the necessary flexibility of contents and learning spaces. Our campaign aims to raise awareness of educational managers, at the municipal, state and federal levels, so that, together with educational entities and teacher organizations, they plan actions aimed at implementing changes in school schedules”, explains neurologist Dr. Andrea Bacelar, president of the Brazilian Sleep Association.

In this Video Class, the specialist explains the importance of sleep at this stage of life and the implications of sleep deprivation, especially for teenagers.

ABS manifesto inspires families and schools to embrace change

In November 2017, the Associação Brasileira do Sono published a Manifesto ( access here ) , clarifying how sleep deprivation at the beginning of puberty and adolescence strongly impairs learning and school performance.

Inspired by the Manifesto published by ABS and by the American movement called Start School Later (What is starting school early?), a group of mothers in the Federal District, led by psychologist Virgínia Nogueira, started a movement to make families aware of the importance of of the school grade change. The psychologist conducted an online survey on the opinion of parents regarding the beginning of classes. Almost all those responsible for the students chose to change the class schedule to eight-thirty in the morning.

The movement has already started to show results in the DF. Some private schools are studying the possibility of changing the start of classes to eight-thirty in the morning, as recommended by the Brazilian Sleep Association.

The number of schools with high school classes starting at half past eight in the morning may increase in the Federal District and Brazil, as the Chamber of Deputies can vote on a bill that establishes this change in public and private schools across the country.


More press information:
Tierno Press Communication
Luciana Tierno
Phone: (11) 93147-1616
E-mail: Imprensa@tiernopress.com.br
